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LaSeal 963 Low Modulus MS Polymer Sealant

LaSeal 963 is a gun-grade, one component adhesive/sealant based on silane modified polymers, which cures by reaction with moisture to an elastic product. It is intended for creating flexible and high-strength

sealing and bonding joints resistant to vibration and deformation.

Low Modulus, Fast dry, 10 years Guarantee Good UV resistance, Paintable

Color:White, Black, Gray and customized color

Packing information: 280ml, 300ml, 310ml by plastic cartridge; 600ml sausages, 190 KGS by drum.

    Main purposes

    1.For sealing doors and windows;
    2.Indoor and outdoor using


    1.High quality durable filling and adhesion capability
    2.Does not contain solvent, silicone or isocyanate
    3.Very Low VOC content,
    4. No bubble formation, even in wet and humid conditions,
    5.Very good UV resistance
    6.Over-paintable with water based paints,
    7.No shrinkage
    8.Primer less adhesion on many different substrates (preliminary test recommended)


    1.Used in industrial and civil construction and renovation works for sealing and filling vertical and inclined expansion and compensation seams.
    2.Facade and roof joints, cracks in building panels, and roof constructions.
    3.Complies with ISO 11600 Type F Class 25 LM. Has excellent adhesion to most construction materials: stone, brick, concrete, glass, plasterboard, solid plastics (except polyethylene, polypropylene, and fluoroplastic), ceramics, aluminum, metals, composite, stainless steel, and wood.
    4.No priming is required. For indoor and outdoor works.

    Technical Data Sheet(TDS)

    Technology data:The following data are only for reference purpose, not intended for use in preparing specification

    LaSeal 963 Low Modulus MS Polymer Sealant

    Meets or exceeds the requirements of the following specifications:
    The requirements of VOC content specifications in LEED credit EQc4.1
    “Low-emitting products” of SCAQMD rule 1168.
    The French VOC requirements for class A+
    CE marked for EN 15651 for façade applications.



    Chemical Base

    MS Polymer Based

    Curing Mechanism

    Moisture Curing




    1.6 g/ml

    Tack Free Time ≤ 1h

    10 mins (23°C and %50 R.H.)

    Cured depth (24hours)


    Tensile Strength


    Elongation at break


    100% Tensile Modulus


    Shore A Hardness


    UV resistant

    No change.

    Press Ratio



    ≤ 1.5%

    Service Temperature

    +5°C to +35°C

    Application Temperature


    Shelf life

    12 months

    Curing condition of the sample :23℃×50%RH×14 days


    It must not be used in totally confined spaces where sealant cannot cure due to lack of atmospheric moisture.
    Multi-Seal can be applied to a variety of substrates directly. If not sure, we recommend a preliminary compatibility test.

    Surface Preparation

    ● Following cleaning procedure and materials are recommended:
    ● Glass Degrease with alcohol or MEK
    ● Aluminium, light alloys and stainless steel Degrease with alcohol or MEK
    ● Other Metals Lightly abrade then degrease as above
    ● Wood Lightly abrade surface then remove dust
    ● Plastics Degrease using an agent recommended by plastics manufacturer
    ● Concrete and other alkaline Surfaces Brush and remove dust


    1. Before the application, the tip of the cartridges is cut and a plastic cap is fixed.
    2.The tip of the cap is cut according to the width of the surface and fixed to the cartridge gun.
    3.The sausage package is cut from one edge and fixed to a suitable gun. Then the cap nut is screwed to the cylinder of the gun.
    4.The joints should be filled at one time and without gaps during the application.
    5.The surface of LaSeal Universal applied in the joints should be smooth ended with a dampened spatula, glazing tool, joint iron or by hand immediately.
    6. If used, the adhesive tape should be removed afterwards.
    7.The opened packages should be consumed as quickly as possible.
    8.The contaminated areas and used tools should be cleaned with white spirit or alcohol. It is cleaned only mechanically after cured.
    9.Joint width/depth ratio should be 2:1.

    Storage and shelf life

    1.They should be protected from water, frost and adverse air conditions.
    2.They should be kept dry and cool on wooden pallets at between +5 degree C and +25 degree C in moisture free conditions.
    3.The opened products should be consumed immediately.
    4.Shelf life is maximum 12 months conditional to complying with the aforementioned storage conditions.

    Technical Data Sheet(TDS)

    Technology data:The following data are only for reference purpose, not intended for use in preparing specification

    LaSeal 731 Middle Quality Acetoxy Silicone Sealant





    Density (g/cm3)


    Capacity movement


    skinning time

    5-15 minutes

    Drying time(2mm/h)




    Max. Tensile strength


    Hardness shore A

    21st year

    Elongation at Break(%)


    Modulus Mpa(100%)


    Application temperature

    -20 C to +40 C

    Temperature resistance

    -50 C to +100 C





    Cold-hot adhesive


    under water adhesive


    Elastical Recovery (%)


    Mass-loss Rate (%)


    Limitations:The product is not applicable to structure assembly or project whose base material has a surface temperature above 40 ℃.